(877) 219-3663

1074 W Taylor, 126, Chicago, IL 60607

Let the Children Have Their Say!

Published April 17, 2017

Good nutrition is critical in the growth and development of your children. Making sure your kids have enough food and the right type of food will help them stay focused in school, grow strong, and prevent them from developing chronic diseases. One of the most crucial parts of having kids develop a good relationship with healthy food is providing them with a wide variety of healthy options. From those healthy options then allowing them have a say in which one they’re going to pick and how much. Giving them variety to pick from lets them try and experience foods they never have before.


Over the past two weeks at our new Education Space, we’ve been focusing on letting the kids have a say in what they are eating. They’ve had an opportunity to taste what we are currently making as well as design and build their own meals with a hands on approach. They were able to choose from a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, healthy proteins, and whole grains and allowing them to build their own meals.  Not only have them come up with some very creative and delicious meals, but have also helped us develop some awesome meal names! Keep an eye out for some of our new menu name which will start to appear on the Spring men, along with more nutrition and cooking classes for you to bring your groups.

Nutrition is so important, especially in our growing children! Help your children make the right choices by providing variety and letting them have a voice in what is going in their bodies!

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